Ive been playing, and for the most part loving, this game for a couple days. It does a masterful job of recreating the experience of being in a 1960s style bowling alley (Im old enough to remember that experience), and the variety of bowling settings and the graphical quality of their depictions are big positives. The "hate" part of my relationship with this game relates to the bowling mechanism. Unless you are using the "arrow" ball, which always goes in the direction youre aiming, it is extremely hard to control the path of your ball. If you swipe even slightly to the left or right, balls veer away from your intended direction. The developer should recode this, perhaps by allowing swipes that are only a few degrees off center to be detected as straight up swipes. There are also bugs, including occasions when a strike results in leaving a single pin, and times when the game freezes after the Roswell challenge. This has the potential to be the best bowling game in the App Store, and even one of the most enjoyable games in the store. I hope the brilliant and extremely talented developer will invest the time to make a few improvements.
Grist about Kingpin Lanes